SSE Instruction List

move instruction

Instruction Description
movaps move 4 alignment single precision value to xmm register
movups move 4 non-alignment single precision value to xmm register
movss move 1 alignment single precision value to low 4 bytes of register
movlps move 2 alignment single precision value to low 8 bytes of register
movhps move 2 alignment single precision value to high 8 bytes of register
movlhps move 2 alignment single precision value to high 8 bytes of register from low 8 bytes
movhlps move 2 alignment single precision value to low 8 bytes of register from high 8 bytes

basic operation instruction

Instruction Description
addps add operation
subps sub operation
mulps mul operation
divps div operation
rcpps rcp opeartion
sqrtps sqrt operation
rsqrtps rcp sqrt operation
maxps get max operation
minps get min operation
andps and operation
andnps negation operation
orps or operation
xorps xor operation

compared instruction

Instruction Description
cmpps compared operation
cmpss compared operation
comiss compared and set eflags register
ucomiss compared and set eflags register

those instruction will return a value:

Return Value Description
0 Equal to
1 Less-than
2 Less than or equal to
3 Disorder
4 Not equal to
5 Greater than
6 Greater than or equal to
7 Order